Annapia Antonini / Recettes inédites des Chevet, traiteurs au Palais Royal Presentato da Sylvan Cole Gallery

Annapia ANTONINI - Recettes inédites des Chevet, traiteurs au Palais Royal

Presentato da Sylvan Cole Gallery

  • Anno
  • Tecnica
    Non tecnico
  • Dimensione dell'immagine
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensione del foglio
    22,5 x 18,0 cm / 8.9 x 7.1 in
  • Tiratura
    Edition of 15
  • Prezzo
    750 euros (€)
  • Referenze
    Senza referenze
  • Visite
  • Stato
Annapia ANTONINI - Recettes inédites des Chevet, traiteurs au Palais Royal

Recettes inédites des Chevet, traiteurs au Palais Royal.

Paris: Bibliophiles et Graveurs d'Aujourd'hui, 1968.

A gem of a livre d'artiste, with dozens of recipes by the Chevet family--a dynasty of French chefs from the time of the French Revolution until a century later--printed here for the first time.

Illustrated with 11 original color aquatints by Annapia Antonini. From a total edition of 150 copies printed on fine Rives wove paper and signed by the artist in the justification, this is ONE OF ONLY 15 COPIES WITH A SUITE OF THE 11 COLOR AQUATINTS ON IMPERIAL JAPANESE PAPER, EACH ONE SIGNED IN PENCIL BY THE ARTIST.

Large 8vo. Loose as issued in wraps, housed in the original board chemise and slipcase.

FINE AND BRIGHT, WITH NO DEFECTS. A lavish production.

One of very few cookbooks published as a livre d'artiste with original prints.

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