Dannielle Tegeder / Clineld Presentato da Ideelart

Dannielle TEGEDER - Clineld

Presentato da Ideelart

  • Anno
  • Tecnica
    Non tecnico
  • Dimensione dell'immagine
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensione del foglio
    200,0 x 140,0 cm / 78.7 x 55.1 in
  • Tiratura
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  • Referenze
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Dannielle TEGEDER - Clineld

Gouache, ink, colored pencil, graphite, water-based spray paint, pastel on Fabriano Murillo paper - Unframed.

Clineld (hydraulic machinery): where a liquid is the powering medium. High power density and wide array of actuators transferred through small tubes and flexible hoses become pressurized according to the resistance….

This work is made with 4 elements that will need to be assembled by a local framer upon arrival.
Each element's dimensions: 39 x 27.5" / 100 x 70 cm.

Tegeder has called her compositions “plans for Utopian spaces.” Her distinctive visual language mobilizes a personal, abstract cosmology that echoes early modernist abstraction, from Constructivism and Suprematism, to Neo-Concrete artists like Gego and Lygia Clark, to the absurdist technical drawings of Francis Picabia.

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