Teodulo Romulo / Venus desnudo Presentato da Mla Gallery

Teodulo ROMULO - Venus desnudo

Presentato da Mla Gallery

  • Anno
  • Tecnica
    Non tecnico
  • Dimensione dell'immagine
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensione del foglio
    94,0 x 108,0 cm / 37.0 x 42.5 in
  • Tiratura
    edition of 100
  • Prezzo
    3 950 dollars ($)
  • Referenze
    Senza referenze
  • Visite
  • Stato
Teodulo ROMULO - Venus desnudo

This gorgeous mixografia by Romulo was done in 1987, by Taller Grafico, now Remba. It is large measuring 37 x 42.5", and is unframed. It is in excellent condition. Numbered 27/100.

Antonio Luque
The painting of Teódulo Rómulo

The first approach to the painting of Teódulo Rómulo astonishes us, since his oil paintings unfold in different pictorial planes at the same time, but, as if that were not enough, he has the luxury of superimposing, at the same time, different planes in which he handles , at his whim, classic genres of painting, such as the still life and bucolic scenes, as can be seen in the series of works now exhibited in the HB Gallery.
Not satisfied with this boast of simultaneity, Teódulo Rómulo rejoices in the use of various classic treatments and is able to coexist, in the same painting, academic realism with metaphysical surrealism and children's drawing, and to season all this, he chooses the best condiment: humor.
The painting of Teódulo Rómulo is playful, prankster and even alburera, his sense of humor is the main guide of his work and to him the other elements are hooked, like wagons carrying their own cargo, pulled by the small locomotive that makes the journey through all his painting, giving a touch of childish ingenuity and nostalgia.

With all this plastic and thematic wealth, each work of Teódulo Rómulo exerts a kind of magnetism that captures the attention of those who look at it and lets it get lost in the labyrinth of forms, colors and games that it contains.

There is in the painting of this artist that baroque atmosphere typical of Mexican art that syncretized in popular expression the imagery, one of the most authentic examples of art of all time.

To this lineage belong Teódulo Rómulo and his paintings.

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