Patrick Hughes / Art apartment Presentato da Invertirenarte

Patrick HUGHES - Art apartment

Presentato da Invertirenarte

  • Anno
  • Tecnica
  • Dimensione dell'immagine
    95,2 x 184,0 cm / 37.5 x 72.4 in
  • Dimensione del foglio
    95,2 x 184,0 cm / 37.5 x 72.4 in
  • Tiratura
    AP 3/4
  • Prezzo
    Su richiesta
  • Referenze
    Senza referenze
  • Visite
  • Stato
Patrick HUGHES - Art apartment

3D hand painted multiple with lithography enhanced by the artist in a plexiglass box
42,6 x 95,2 x 184 cm (the box)
Signed and numbered as AP 3/4 (artist’s proof) from edition of 45
Printed and hand-coloured by Jack Shirreff at the 107 Workshop

Grabado tridimensional coloreado a mano sobre base litográfica enmarcado en caja de plexiglass del artista
42,6 x 95,2 x 184 cm (la caja)
Firmado y numerado a lápiz como AP 3/4 (prueba de artista) de una edición de 45 ejemplares
Impreso y coloreado a mano: Jack Shirreff at the 107 Workshop

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