Joan Miró / Untitled India ink drawing Presentato da Sylvan Cole Gallery

Joan MIRÓ - Untitled India ink drawing

Presentato da Sylvan Cole Gallery

  • Anno
  • Tecnica
    Non tecnico
  • Dimensione dell'immagine
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensione del foglio
    16,5 x 23,7 cm / 6.5 x 9.3 in
  • Tiratura
    unique India ink drawing
  • Prezzo
    Su richiesta
  • Referenze
    Senza referenze
  • Visite
  • Stato
Joan MIRÓ - Untitled India ink drawing

An untitled drawing in India ink on fine wove paper, signed and dated (12 / XII / 68) by Miró.

The edges of this drawing used to be glued onto a mat. It was professionally removed from the mat and restored. Although the drawing looks perfect, the marginal restorations are visible if light is shined through it. In any case, these restorations will not be visible if the drawing is framed.

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